Heart of Parijat


8 December 2023

Coral Jasmine or Parijatak

Ranjith Sivaraman shares his poem inspired by Tanya Dutt’s recounting of the romantic myth of the coral jasmine flower.

I was inspired by the heart-touching love story of Princess Parijat and Sun God. Her reincarnation as Parijat Tree is such delightful information for me, a true Parijat Lover. A big salute and gratitude to Tanya Dutta for this article.

Heart of Parijat

Milking the Universe, came Parijat
Milking your Love, came my Love

My love may fall on ground, Beloved
But still offered to Gods, as Parijat.

And at night I kiss you fragrant
As sun comes and kisses Parijat

And my love is intense, ask your Heart,
Or ask the blazing orange Heart of Parijat…

About Ranjith Sivaraman

Ranjith Sivaraman is an upcoming poet from Kerala, a beautiful state in India. His poems merge nature imagery, human emotions, and human psychology into a gorgeous tapestry of philosophy. Sivaraman’s English Poems are published in International Literature Magazines and Journals., like Deep Over Stock Magazine,3 Moon Magazine, Adelaide Literary Review, Elevation Review, Havik, Parliamentary Literary Magazine, Poetry Wivenhoe, QT, Remington Review, Sandpiper, Silver Birch Press, Terror House Press, The Raven Review, The Writer’s Club, Wordcity Lit, and Writer’s and Reader’s Magazine, etc. Visit ranjithsivaraman.com/selected-work/.


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  • Tanya Dutt says:

    Incredible poem Ranjith, this is creativity flowing ~ thanks to Garland as well, whose fragrance spreads through the world subtly yet deeply. Your poem profoundly captures the essence of the story in such few words. Simple yet true! A pure delight. This has brought me so much joy and begins the loop of happiness and sharing.

  • Ranjith Sivaraman says:

    My Sincere Gratitude to you Dear Tania. Your Article is a gem and I have no words to express my delight. Keep writing and inspiring. All the best.
