Issue 14
Harbour: The Sydney issue

- Editorial ✿
- Going to hell (and back) in a handbasket… Tracey Clement
- Quarterly essay ✿ Going to hell (and back) in a handbasket… Tracey Clement
- The worldly currency of Abdullah Syed Zoe Ghani
- Reflection pods: Yolŋu weavers create a thinking space in Sydney CBD Lucy Simpson
- Biculturalism at hand: The Australian-Malay quilt Soraya Abidin
- Yirran Miigaydhu Aboriginal Women Weavers Phyllis Stewart
- 21st century chinoiserie: A journey from Zibo to Sydney Yixuan Geng
- Linda Brescia: Holding Up The Sky Kath Fries
- Pathways through The Social Outfit Eloise Rapp
- Creating sanctuary through beading: The South Sudanese Elders group Caroline Lenette
- An orchid in the desert – the lacquer journey of Bic Tieu Kevin Murray
- Re-locating traditions: Ethiopian crafts in Moorooka, Brisbane Melanie Gupta
- To have and to hold: Precious objects from a place called “home” Sahr Bashir
- Nations unravelled and re-woven Sanne Vaassen
- Fresco comes to the mountain Sarah Tomasetti
- Crafting a city, crafting a life, from matter and memory Peter Emmett
- For Peter Emmett, objects speak Gary Warner
- Crafting a community – A year of time, 2017-2018 Bridget Kennedy
- The Hayman jug Ben Edols and Kathy Elliott
- Crafting the city: The re-emergence of handmade Sydney Lisa Cahill and Penny Craswell
- Local colour: The search for a plant dye industry in Sydney Cove Liz Williamson
- Flamboyance and intensity: Contemporary ceramics of Peter Cooley Eva Czernis-Ryl
- The panggals of Kambot and Wom villages: A journey down the Keram river Natalie Wilson
- The delight of embroidery now – 2018 Chaozhou International Embroidery Art Biennale Valerie Kirk
- Kevin Millward: The pleasure of anonymous artifice Ezra Shales
- Re-Threading the tapestry of an arid topography: A return to Kutch with Maggie Baxter Gopika Nath
- Where I came from Michelle Montgomery