Issue 21
Tiempo profundo ✿ Deep time

- Te Hosek’en Harw: The Edge of the World Sol Contardo
- The Kaikai of Rapanui Marcela Garrido Díaz
- Ayvu Rapyta ✿ A selection Mbya Guarani
- putiya makara wingani (can’t stop feeling) Greg Lehman and Camila Marambio
- Translating the Ayvu Rapyta: For the love of a rainforest and its word-souls Andrea Ferrari
- Pillan: The spirit of the volcano Celeste Painepan Nicul
- Made with lava in Chile Great Things to People
- Reborn in the Wenumapu: The meaning of the eclipse in Mapuche culture Luis Catricura
- Mapuche hybrid identify furnished from the periphery Rodrigo Castro Hueche
- Wenu Pelón: On curating ancient craft objects of present indigenous cultures Lucía Nieves Cortés
- Kamaquen: Ceramics powered by Andean energy Keka Ruiz-Tagle
- Circular heritage: Textile legacy in the Andes Daniela Contreras Flores
- New Kashpij: Sailing spirits in deep time from the end of the world Rita Soto Ventura
- Heirs of Llalliñ: Mapuche women weavers find the end of the rainbow Pilar Navarrete
- Cupinzeiros: Back in touch with childhood Lidia Lisbôa
- Paula do Prado ✿ My abuela’s hands ✿
- Paola Moreno ✿ Rhythms of Chile Kevin Murray
- Forging alliances with nature: Atlas Botánico de Chile en Joyería Lucía Nieves Cortés
- Charazani Project: Inca weaving revived Constanza Urrutia Wegmann
- Time makes beauty: Jewellery in the senescent field Liliana Ojeda
- Pilwas: Knotting Lafkenche narratives in Puerto Saavedra Magdalena Cattan-Lavin
- Especies Acuñadas: Divesting colonial currency Milena Moena Moreno
- The Afro-Peruvian cajón: Reclaiming a humble percussion crate as one’s own Aromica Bhattacharya
- ¡Bravo Joya Brava! Liliana Ojeda
- The shoemaker and the goat breeder Carolina Hornauer
- Cielo rojo (red sky) Caco Honorato and Mariela Vicencio
- The garden of Gildásio Heloisa Pireslima
- Australia Phoenix: A Cosmology Susan Purdy
- Māreikura: Exploring the goddess in Māori women Neke Moa
- Country sees you: A Bapang among Yolngu Damien Wright
- The Earth and its elements: Wood, fire, earth metal and water Georgia Wallace-Crabbe
- Blood moon: Ceramics for a fragile planet Jane Sawyer