Issue 22
- How Bundjil the Eagle created the world we now need to protect Cassie Leatham
- The eel as a totem and symbol of resilience Jules Christian
- Nature hooks Jes John
- When the lorikeets call Elisa Jane Carmichael
- Following nature’s rhythm: a season on the field as a Linen Steward Melanie Bomans
- Breathe, together Maegen Black
- A healing walk: The Lake Bolac Eel Festival story Neil Murray
- The path we took: Stewardship Pathfinders
- Mother Whale and the creation of Nerrm: A Bunwurrang women’s dreaming story Aunty Gail Koonwarra Dawson
- Quarterly essay: putiya makara wingani Greg Lehman and Camila Marambio
- Humans as a custodial species Tyson Yunkaporta
- A custodian object from the Murrumbidgee Hape Kiddle
- The Material Passport: A model for responsible construction Thomas Rau and Sabine Oberhuber
- Heron story Ilka White
- Employing circular economy principles when creating craft products Joseph Lo
- The Biji-biji Initiative: Circular economy for the community Zhi Yee Teh
- Biophilia: The craft and love of life Helen Ting
- Tracing trees: Processing land clearing through a jewellery practice Cara Johnson
- Ode to Waratah: Designing mythology Elliat Rich
- Decay is beautiful Samorn Sanixay
- Entangled threads: Woven knowledge systems Charlotte Haywood
- Imaginary Animals, Auspicious Companions Moon Yujin
- The Lontar basketry of Palu’e Island (eastern Indonesia) Stefan and Magnus Danerek
- Chinese landscape cut-out over time Pamela See
- Senryu: Three little words make many objects Sayumi Yokouchi