Love and money, now available


18 June 2017

How do you balance creativity with the need to earn money? There’s a growing move to win back creative freedom from the increasingly alien capitalist system. Issue #7 goes to town to learn from the good people of Castlemaine about their work-life balance. Fifty artists share with us their works made “not for sale”. We learn of men who recover the artfulness of work. A dialogue with Yolngu culture helps appreciate the value of culture beyond its contribution to GDP. And we hear of interesting work made in Ghana, Japan and India. 

Contents #7

Re-balancing love and money Editorial


Quarterly Essay: Remembering the string figures of Yirrkala Robyn McKenzie

Yolngu collaborations

Two-Ways Learning – The gift that keeps on giving Michelle Montgomery

Balnhdnhurr: a mark for others to follow Will Stubbs and Annie Studd

Bulay(i): Contemporary Yolŋu Jewellery: The Indigenous Jewellery Project meets Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Emily McCulloch Childs


Talk of the town: How do you balance love and money? Castlemaine

Lively hood Patrick Jones

Waterfall in a box Rhyll Plant and Ann Baxter

Pink Terraces Dean Smith

Art meets life on a Sunday afternoon: Screenings at the Cantrills Tessa Laird and Camila Marambio

Love and money

The power of transformative repair Penny Craswell

Hipster capitalism explained Michael Scott

The quest for hi-fi design Lou Weis

Jewellery for free Vicki Mason

Playing tag with local identity: Art development in the inner city Peter Seaton

Devalued Currencies, Metaphorical Tapestries: “Yaw Owusu – All That Glitters” Anna Battista

Loved up? A review of Love: Art of Emotion 1400-1800 Inga Walton

An invitation to create: The Deeper Voice of Textiles Tim Johnson

Beautiful things in our world

Bamboo Exposed: the art of Hafu Matsumoto Mari Iizuka and Shoko Aono

The Tapestry Couch: healing and new beginnings at heart of refugee arts project Carolina Triana

Godh: in the lap of nature Mandy Ridley

A textile selfie, with love from Rajasthan Fiona Wright

The time-honored Ashavali brocades of Gujarat Vishu Arora

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