Ruth Woods ✿ Finding Form with Fibre


28 December 2022

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A book on Australian fibre sculpture combines inspiring artist profiles with a useful reference to materials and techniques.

Fibre is one of Australia’s unique crafts. Compared to other countries, Australian fibre work is distinguished by its connection to place, using what’s at hand rather than imported and purchased in a shop. It draws on both First Nations and settler traditions, particularly in basketry. It is surprising there isn’t a publication that surveys this rich field.

This makes Ruth Woods’ book particularly welcome. As well as being an experienced fibre artist herself, she has developed a successful career as an educator. Her Craft School Oz teaching platform includes both hands-on instruction and comprehensive video lessons.

Robyn Norris, Sprouts

Finding Form with Fibre contains complementary sections of interest to fibre practitioners. To begin, there are profiles of 14 makers, including many who have appeared in Garland, such as Delissa Walker and Marion Gaemers. A section on materials is a very useful reference for Australian plants that can be used. Finally, there is a series of techniques employed in fibre work, such as random weave and coiling.

This book is a valuable reference not only for those who work with fibre but also for those who appreciate finely made fibre works in their life, which no doubt includes many Garland readers.

Finding Form with Fibre can be found in some craft shops and ordered from Ruth’s website direct: email and visit, also follow @craftschooloz



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