Search Results for liz williamson
Liz Williamson ✿ A master culture-weaver  Garland
Jon Goulder ✿ Furniture with a backstory  Loop
Local colour: The search for a plant dye industry in Sydney Cove  Liz Williamson
Galeecha: Cultural Textiles Design  Threads
Sky’s the limit: The Cultural Textiles Rug Project  Liz Williamson
Australian Design Centre: 60 years in the making  Lisa Cahill
The table ✿ Well-crafted associations  Garland
Crafting a canon: Change through scholarship   D Wood
That significant freedom: The idea of Indian Ocean craft  John Mateer
The world in a tea towel: Weaving cartographic abstractions  Nien Schwarz
Issue #24 ✿ Boteh 🥭 Craft and design journeys between East and West  Garland
Make the World Again: Twenty Australian textile artists  Garland
Craft tours on offer  Garland
Craft tours on offer  ✿
Editorial  ✿
Harbour: The Sydney issue  Garland
Garland Journal peer reviewers  Garland
New homes for old stories  Editorial