The land ✿ Caring through making

Anne Nginyangka Thompson on NPY lands

Issue 35 is the second in a series, Together Spaces, reflecting the contexts where we assemble. Making spaces to come together is critical to meet the key challenges of our time.

In this issue, we come together as custodians of the land we share. This shared identity draws especially on the learnings of First Nation peoples and the relationship to Country, an Australian value that resonates with Indigenous concepts elsewhere, such as Māori whenua or Pachamama for the Quechua. The stories in this issue demonstrate a nexus between making and caring for the land. Using what nature provides brings us into a reciprocal relationship: caring for the environment that provides us with materials to tell our stories.

The guest editor for this issue is Angie Martin.

This issue brings together stories about crafts that have been made from the land and inspired by the land. For me personally, as an Aboriginal person, the significance of the land resonates deeply with me. It is not only a source of sustenance, nourishment and healing, but a sacred repository of my ancestors’ spirits.

Thanks to Ernabella Arts, ANKA Arts, Nubuke Foundation Ghana, Australia Galleries, Craft Design Canberra, East Gippsland Gallery, Artesol Brazil, Craft History Workshop, Gary Wornell and Sachiko Matsuyama.

On Country

Visiting Country

With Country

Honouring Country

This issue is dedicated to the memory of Thancoupie “wattle flower” (1937-2011) an Australian sculptural artist, educator, linguist and elder of the Thainakuith people in Weipa, in the Western Cape York area of far north Queensland.