The table ✿ Well-crafted associations

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Igbo proverb
Issue 36 of Garland includes stories of associations formed with a common interest in supporting the crafts. This coincides with the 60th anniversary of the World Crafts Council.
This is the third in the Together Spaces series, featuring making practices that bring people together. The guest editor is Robyn Phelan. Many thanks to Andile Dyalvani, Eva Abbinga, Jeffrey Taylor, John Cruthers, Jude van der Merwe and Sophie Travers.
Meet the contributors at the online launch 17 September 2024 08:00 GMT (link)
Board table – craft organisations
- Hemslöjden: Craft for everyone by Maria Jacobsson
- Art Jewelry Forum: We advocate for the field of art jewelry by Nathalie Mornu
- Center for Craft: The importance of space for collective action and belonging by Stephanie Moore
- Australian Design Centre: 60 years in the making by Lisa Cahill
- JamFactory: A recipe for longevity by Brian Parkes
- Artisan: Becoming, being and belonging by Carmel Haugh
- Swedish Crafts Centre – Konsthantverkscentrum by Evelina Hedin
- JMGA WA: A leading edge of Australian jewellery by Tineke Van der Eecken & Jacquie Sprogoe
- The craft confederacy: Differences in common by Kevin Murray
Trestle table – purposeful associations
- A new energy in world craft: Professional Crafts Association in Saudi Arabia by Mashail AlFaqeeh
- Ceramics Southern Africa: Down to earth connections by Rosh Sewpersad
- Common Element: Workshop6 celebrates 30 wild years by Mia Straka
- Blumhardt Foundation: An angel of New Zealand craft by Philip Clarke
- Tenun Yang Menubuh: Embodied Weaving by Alfred Djami
- Orkney Boreray Community: Fellows of the flock by Jane Cooper
- Zu design: An enduring incubator by Jane Bowden
- Kultura Collectiva by Dias Prabu
Round table – grassroots bodies
- Simon Gilby ✿ Figuring out the individual by Richard King
- Bluestone: The judgement of peers by Anna Davern
- South of the River Potters’ Club: After 50 years, a home of its own by Barrie-Anne Morgan
- Alpana: A Hindu craft in a Muslim village by Mohammad Shahnewaz Khan
- Kampoeng Dolanan: The game must go on by Janet Teowarang
- underFOOT: A collective for honouring the land on which they stand by Nien Schwarz
- Creative, collaborative communities: Forms of artist and artisan organisation in historic India by Rachna Shetty
- Makers and Menders: Many hands make good by Heather Saltmarsh
Fabric tables – textile groups
- The Australian Tapestry Workshop: A weaver’s view by Chris Cochius
- Loom Rescue Group: Holding the thread together by Ana Petidis
- The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria: A haven for stitchers by Gail Thexton
- Basketmakers of Victoria: Projects with fibre by Jan Chamberlain
- Ciocârlia: A thread that binds generations by Diana Roșca
- Lehenda: Many hands make feet fly by Natalia Moravski
- Fabric for a Feast: The story of Textiles Sydney by Jane Théau
- Sisters of India and Indivaan: Surviving with honour by Helen Ting
Wooden tables – where we sit
- Victorian Woodworkers Association: Joinery in real time by Stephen Ziguras
- The Hanging Studio Table: For the many and the few by Adam Markowitz
- Table as metaphor by Damien Wright
- Smoko room by Kay Abude
- A table for elements at play by Mary Hackett
- Expanding the table: Vicki Grima’s impact on the Australian ceramics community by Amelia Black
- How to stay grounded in a big mining state by June Moorhouse
Other associations
Do you belong to a makers association not featured in this issue? Share details here so we can let readers know.
This issue is dedicated to the memory of Liz Williamson (1949-2024), an Australian master weaver whose work demonstrated the centrality of textiles to culture. Through her exhibitions, teaching, writing and tours, Liz Williamson touched countless people across the world. See her perennial page: Liz Williamson ✿ A master culture-weaver