Messiah Luzab Lera Kaubo Arsir.01 | Contemporary lei and body adornment from the Torres Strait Islands

Segar Passi, Helen Dick, Garee Kaigey, Mary Kaigey, Rita Lui, Beverley Mabo, Helen Mabo,
Delina Noah
Messiah Luzab Lera Kaubo Arsir (The whole island of Mer, making things, making lei) 2017,
canvas, acrylic paint, thread, synthetic wadding, silk linen, shell, plastic, silver sheet, enamel paint,
copper sheet, copper tube, acrylic felt, nylon cord, coral, kulap seed, wongai seed, steel coated wire
170 x 107 x 12 cm (variable)
Courtesy of the National Gallery of Victoria
Photo: Michael Marzik

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