Eddy Carroll ✿ A marigold journey


26 November 2020

Eddy Carroll applies “wild patience” to the epic embroidery of a marigold garland which gathers together places of the wider world.

The flower that blooms all year round, closing at night and opening each day with the rising of the sun: Calendula Officinalis (marigold).

Marigold in French is souci, the other translation for souci is “worry”.

In 2018 I started a set of “no worry beads” Sans Souci, an embroidered version in form of a Garland.

I untangled a large skein of raw silk and set to work letting go of any worries, as the flowers I embroidered mounted up slowly to the length of my own body.

In January 2019 my marigolds came with me to Singapore as I explored the streets of Little India and the areas that had informed my childhood.

In January 2020 my marigolds came with me to India as I explored the streets of Ahmedabad, becoming the inspiration for the block printing I was to work on there.

And in between the marigolds became an auspicious offering to my down time, my night time, my still time, my time.

I decided that when the orange skein of silk has come to its end so too will the garland’s length. Why stop at the length or limit of my body, so as a daily practice, a salute to the sun, my marigold garland will slowly continue on.

You can follow Eddy Carrol at @of_wild_patience

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