Neke Moa ✿ A kaitiaki of pounamu

Neke Moa uses the language of local stone, including pounamu, to activate her Māori culture.
I am interested in stories about craft and object and relationships to environment, materials, people and their stories of how they connect to their deities, communities, families and culture. I am inspired by all things and everything.
Great teachers for me have been Chris Charteris, Peter Deckers, Dianne Prince, Kohai Grace, Pip Devonshire, Karl Fritsch..there are many more. I live iat Otaki Beach, Kapiti Coast. The Iwi here is Ngati Raukawa and many Hapu.
I am inspired by the materials that I gather from the beach, bush and river. We have a strong Maori community with many artists, the Wananga-o-Raukawa is here and there is te reo maori spoken everywhere. It is a small town not far from the capital city of Wellington. I enjoy a slower pace and I have a studio I work in most days at my house.
I live at Otaki Beach, Aotearoa, where I have a studio/home and a rich resource of materials, people and inspiration. I am an adornment and object maker, being tangata whenua (indigenous) informs and leads my art practice. I mainly exhibit and make commission works, teach and currently work part-time at Toi Matarau gallery at Maoriland Hub in Otaki. Mauri ora!
Like maorijeweller and follow @nekemoa.
A “kaitiaki” is a guardian.