The Yurt
13 Linden Street, Brunswick
Sunday, 2 October 2-4pm
Tickets $10 at Eventbrite
“Cat’s Cradle is a game of relaying patterns, of one hand holding still to receive something from another, and then relaying by adding something new, by proposing another knot. Cat’s cradle can be played by many, on all sorts of limbs, as long as the rhythm of accepting and giving is sustained. Scholarship is like that too; it is passing on in twists and skeins that require passion and action, holding still and moving, anchoring and launching.” – Donna Haraway Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
Robyn McKenzie introduces the world of string figures that she has developed with Yolŋu collaborators. Learn about the meaning and making of string figures in the cosy space of Brunswick’s yurt. Develop your haptic spatiotemporal skills, learn about a key practice of Australia’s intangible cultural heritage, think about what we make of being here. Read about it here.
Good, very good