The year of the dandelion


27 January 2025

Sven Damerow, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

To celebrate Garland’s 10th year, we have selected the dandelion, a symbol of endurance, as our flower of 2025.

A different flower marks every year of Garland. This year, it’s the dandelion. In many cultures, the dandelion is a symbol of endurance. Greek goddess Hecate used dandelions to help protect crossroads. In East Asia, it is associated with perseverance. In Europe, its capacity to bloom annually despite its fragility is seen as a sign of endurance.

Tessa Morris-Suzuki writes about the “dandelion clock” as a symbol of the Param Sendai (“winds from Sendai”) movement that sought to build connections between Japan and the “people of the South”: it is “an apt image for Japan’s “invisible civil society” as a whole. Groups are small and dispersed, like dandelions, pushing their shoots up, often through unfertile terrain. Like dandelions, they too are often short-lived, but their disappearance should not necessarily be read as failure. When members scatter, they take ideas and experiences with them. Who knows where the seeds fall or how they will germinate.”

“Farewell in the Spring Breeze” (春风别)
By an unknown Tang poet

“The dandelion drifts without a root,
Like travelers yearning for distant homelands.
The spring breeze carries their fragile dreams,
Scattered across the vast fields and streams.”

Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. 2016. “Asianisms from Below: Japanese Civil Society and Visions of Asian Integration from the Late 20th to the 21st Century.” In Asianisms: Regionalist Interactions and Asian Integration, edited by Nicola Spakowski Marc Frey. NUS Press.

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  • Jenie Yolland says:

    I am a glass artist, living and working in Melbourne Australia.

    I write a little blog, mainly for my own enjoyment and have a handful of readers. I was wondering if I could write about your publication Garland, particularly the brief blog about Dandelions. Of course, I’ll include links to your website throughout my blog if this is acceptable to you. Here’s a link to past blogs that I’ve have written.

    Please let me know if this is acceptable to you. I look forward to hearing from you.
