Raquel Bessudo ✿ An eloquent witness for the craft of the Mexican people

Raquel Bessudo is a leading contemporary jeweller who is dedicated to finding stories from her Mexico that demonstrates the creativity and resilience of the people.
Raquel Bessudo is a jewellery artist based in Mexico City, holding a BA(Hons) Fine Arts degree from CSM College of Arts and Design London UK, 2000. And a postgraduate diploma from UPC, Barcelona. She was part of the selection for Shmuck 2020, participated in a group exhibition on the occasion of Paris Prcous Bijux 2020 during 2021, Association Alliage as part of Painful Hope exhibition, SNAG, Voltage in NYC, Shape of Nature Shanghai China Cluster crafts in London 2021-2022 and more recently her work was selected for Until death do us part travelling exhibition by Alliages 2022
Her work has been exhibited in Mexico, Argentina, the USA, Australia and Europe. Some of which include II Contemporary Jewellery Latin-American Biennale 2018, “Neighbours”, where she received a special mention from the jury.” Huellas” Museum Juan del Carral Colombia “La Frontera” Encounters along the border MAD, NY, USA and Museum Franz Mayer Mexico. “The US-Mexico border” Place Imagination and Possibility” CAFAM September 2017 L.A., USA. VEOVEO Promise objects for everyday use, Radiant Pavilion, Melbourne city library, Australia August 2017. Contemporary Jewellery Latino-American Biennale 2016, “Bridges” “Lo Inesperado de lo Cotidiano” Collective exhibition, Symposium “En Constuccion”, Valparaíso Chile Sept 2015. Amulet “Joya Viva- Jewellery Across the Pacific” Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares, Mexico 2015.
Publications of her work include Metalsmith Magazine, Vol 40 No.3, Artist in flux by Rachel Reichert, JAMS, publish by SNAG, The jewel Book, Stichting Kunstboek, Belgium, Joya magazine, Mexico City.
✿ What do you look for in a subject for writing a story?
I feel like topics to write about have found me rather than the other way around. I constantly search or keep my eyes open for a story, but what has made me choose to write about it is the access to the story behind it and how I come across it.
It is crucial that through them, I can get across cultural and historical references from Mexico.
Mexican craft today is directly related to pre-Hispanic, and mestizo culture after the Spanish conquest, so I have so far found it essential to go back to the story’s roots and rescue its past and origins.
✿ What writers have inspired you?
It would be impossible to state them all. Still, I could refer to a few Mexican authors whose writing impacted me through different stages in my life: Laura Esquivel, Rodolfo Usigli, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo, Fernanda Melchor, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and Jose Emilio Pacheco.
As a child, I remember my mother writing stories for the magazine “México Desconocido ” (unknown Mexico). The fact that she wrote about Mexico’s landmarks and culture inspires me today to follow her steps.
✿Can you say something about where you are located?
Mexico City is vibrant, and there’s constant movement.
The contrast found in quotidian could be overwhelming but is the essence of it. Culture, food, colours, history and contemporary society are constant sources of inspiration.
Visit www.Raquelbessudo.com, follow @raquelbessudo_jewelryartist and like Raquel Bessudo Jewelry Artist
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