Garland magazine

The stories behind what we make

Help us build a new garden of stories for Garland’s second journey 🌸 GiveNow

Victoria Manganiello tells us about a social change project that invites artists to apply their creativity to making recipes for a better world. 
Serendouce Crafts commissioned Nishijin brocade maker Kohei Murata to apply the lustrous kimono textile technique to a set of chopsticks.

See a list of all articles from our Tiempo profundo ✿ Deep time issue here.

Stay in the Loop with recent news


Concurrencies: where the exact and the fragile converge  - Mags Webster finds poetry in the marine jewellery of Tineke Van der Eecken.
A day in the life of a drum maker - Matt Stonehouse shares his day as a drum maker in rural Victoria.
We’re in it together: The making of Maree Clarke’s glass canoe - Maree Clarke's generous acknowledgement of the glassblowers who made her work challenges us to question why makers are so often anonymous in artists' works.
Kampoeng launch in Surabaya - Garland will launch its special Garden of Stories feature about Indonesian craft on 29 July 2024.
Kampoeng ✿ Stories from Indonesia - You are welcome to the Kampoeng where you can explore the creativity and communal spirit of work made in Indonesia.
Piña weaving and climate change in Kalibo - Simon Ellis finds that piña weaving not only preserves a priceless cultural heritage but also mitigates the impact of climate change and flooding in downtown Kalibo.

Our COVID responses 🌸:

Highlights from our calendar…

Current exhibitions

Meriba Tonar | Ngoelmudh | Our Way
Northsite (Cairns)
13 June - 10 August 2024
Maedeup, Korean Knots – Korean Cultural Centre AU
Korean Cultural Centre Australia (Sydney)
26 July - 27 September 2024
Current: Gail Mabo, Lisa Waup, Dominic White
Australian Design Centre (Sydney)
30 July - 25 September 2024

For a full listing, see here.

Upcoming talks

For a full listing, see here.

Future major events

For a full listing, see here.


For more details, see here.

We’re conducting a once-in-five-year campaign to build our website. Your support would be much appreciated here.