Janet Teowarang ✿ A craft leader for Gen Z

Janet Teowarang is on the extreme right.
Janet Teowarang is committed to encouraging the younger generation to take an interest in Indonesian crafts. She does this both by her own writing and mentoring others to share stories in Garland.
She writes:
Generation Z is the succeeding generation who will preserve our cultural heritage while facing the shifting and core changes of human civilization in this world. The ways Gen Z think and do are more diverse than Millennials. According to WGSN’s Future Consumer 2022 report, from climate protests to equal rights marches, activism is now a common occurrence for Gen Z. With anxiety and depression at critical levels globally for Gen Z, many are taking a more joyful approach while still making an impact. The values that Gen Z are optimism, embracing localism, and a focus on society. They look for opportunities to know, learn anything from the past, as they want the experiences. Hence, the experiences I delivered to my students for real industry projects with fashion industry players have given them excitement upon preserving Indonesian variety culture heritage as well as cultural sustainability practice.
I am hoping that my articles on Garland Magazine are able to set examples, experiences for other fashion, textile industry players to understand more on collaborating, ways to engage with the Gen Z people. Another expectation is to raise the awareness of Indonesian textiles, makers in a different way for global acknowledgement.
Janet Teowarang is the founder and creative director of her own fashion brand, Allegra Jane. She is also a lecturer at Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. Janet is one of batch two alumni from Australia AwardsIndonesia Short Term Awards of Fashion and Textile sector and Alumni Grant Scheme recipient. She loves the history of fashion, world art and crafts, very excited to visit every museum when she travels around the world. Visit janetteowarang.com and follow @allegrajanetheofficial.

Janet Teowarang is an esteemed Garland perennial.