Visit the Darkroom and enjoy stories of the craft of photography.
“Ultimately, photography is the crafting of light.”
Alasdair Foster
Steward of the Darkroom
We tend to think of photography as an abstract medium, whose images are easily reproduced and circulate across our many screens. But as demonstrated in many of our stories, there is a material stratum to photography. It has its origins in a hands-on chemical process, along with manual techniques such as hand-colouring. Given the ubiquity of the photographic image, many artists today return to its material origins in order to give depth to their work.
Australia Phoenix: A Cosmology - Susan Purdy takes on a journey into deep time, using the medium of photogram to trace the history of a landscape from creation story to recent devastating bushfires.
Ulos through the viewfinder - Dewie Sartika Bukit describes a photography project that aims to inspire a new generation to admire the distinct ulos weaving tradition of Tono Batak.
Erika Diettes: Relics in amber - Alasdair Foster witnesses the work of Erika Diettes who cast objects of the disappeared in Colombia in a community memorial.
Call Them Home - Marziya Mohammedali writes about her installation that identifies refugees who have died while held in detention by Australia.
Kete photography - Kirsten Lyttle has developed a photography/weaving practice that reflects indigenous values of respect and reciprocity.
Pink Terraces - Dean Smith is a Castlemaine ceramicist and photographer whose work seeks to interpret landscape. The Pink Terraces series reflects on a distinct geographical feature of New Zealand, his home country.
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