Other articles tagged decay
Angeles Jacobi ✿ Unravelling home  Loop
The Kintsugi Collection: The resilient beauty of Jaipur weaving  Loop
Biomater: Life hanging by a thread  Catalina Mena
Judith Crispin ✿ Picturing the gentleness of death  Alasdair Foster
Decay is beautiful  Samorn Sanixay
Australia Phoenix: A Cosmology  Susan Purdy
Time makes beauty: Jewellery in the senescent field  Liliana Ojeda
Life & Death ✿ An exhibition that designs its own demise  Loop
Bakhiya: The beauty of the imperfect  Loop
Maggie Baxter ✿ Peeling walls and tattered ledgers  Loop
The art of repair: Keiko Ikoma’s subtle kintsugi  Ryan Leahey
Intuitive Thread: The Beauty of Process in Japanese Textiles  Eloise Rapp
Composing decomposition: An exhibition by Louiseann King  Clare Needham
The power of transformative repair  Penny Craswell
Thailand residency: A string of flowers – a sequence of events  Jess Dare