I am a Bosnian-Australian project based artist currently located in Melbourne. I work across mediums and practices using both visual art and design for communicating ideas. Besides painting and drawing my interest lies in collaborative work. Since 2008 I have been working on numerous collaborative projects with artists, designers, filmmakers and various organisations. I love human stories and connecting with others.
Here is a link to my website: http://www.ninarupena.com/
Related stories
I draw ideas from my community
Islam on Australian shores
CIAF and Ghost Net art of the Far North
Ott-chil (Korean lacquer): A tradition for the present
A Korean Sensibility: Something to Prove
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Across space and through time: glass and its value
Yayasan Tafean Pah - the next weaving generation in West Timor
This could not poisbsly have been more helpful!