Other articles tagged Māori
Carving the Taniwha: Shaping sacred water spirits through Whakairo  Wanda Gillespie
Two rivers meet in the gallery: A connection journey  Paemanu
Ten Thousand Suns spotlights the technologies of First Nations peoples through craft  Loop
Ka rongo au: In response to senses  Rangimarie Sophie Jolley and Sian Montgomery-Neutze
Rēwena bread: A nourishing food with its own whakapapa  Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Taste and rongoā Māori: The art of experience  Arihia Latham
Ka Taka Te Wā – Time Passed  Areta Wilkinson
Tessa Aroha Harris ✿ Kōrimurimuri dreams  Loop
Tamihana Katene ✿ taonga puoro  Loop
Stevei Houkamau ✿ Kahu for Matariki  Loop
Whakahoki: Returning to the lunar cycle in Māori culture  Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Māreikura: Exploring the goddess in Māori women  Neke Moa
Ā Mua ✿ Crafting Aotearoa 2.0  Loop
Ruth Woodbury ✿ A Māori-Salish encounter featuring salmon and cedar cloaks  ✿
James Tylor: Te Moana Nui: Navigating time and space  Loop
A considered and cordial welcome: Michael Parekowhai’s Ten Guitars and The Lighthouse  Warren Feeney
The Handshake journey: I am the water and the water is me  Neke Moa
Weaving a koha  Kohai Grace
Kete photography  Kirsten Lyttle
Taurangi  Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Tears of Tāwhirimātea: carvings by Todd Couper  Karl Chitham
Casting shadows: Areta Wilkinson and Mark Adams at the National  Harriet Litten
He tupare o ka kupu (a garland of words) 🎧  Andrew Last
Tuhirangi writes on the sky 🎧  Michelle Montgomery
Tales of Wonderland: Schmuck aus Neuseeland – jewellery from Aotearoa New Zealand  Warwick Freeman