Other articles tagged Aotearoa
Two rivers meet in the gallery: A connection journey  Paemanu
Common Element: Workshop6 celebrates 30 wild years  Mia Straka
Mike Crawford ✿ Facing South  Lucy Hammonds
Peter Hawkesby ✿ Building a heart basket  Lucy Hammonds
Whiria: Twisting together   Karl Chitham
The sensory archive  Nina Finigan
Stevei Houkāmau ✿ Clay as whakapapa  Zoe Black
Ka rongo au: In response to senses  Rangimarie Sophie Jolley and Sian Montgomery-Neutze
Rēwena bread: A nourishing food with its own whakapapa  Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Taste and rongoā Māori: The art of experience  Arihia Latham
Māreikura: Exploring the goddess in Māori women  Neke Moa
Ā Mua ✿ Crafting Aotearoa 2.0  Loop
Ruth Woodbury ✿ A Māori-Salish encounter featuring salmon and cedar cloaks  ✿
Wanda Gillespie ✿ Abacus  Loop
Art for whales ✿ A driftwood tribute from Golden Bay  Loop
The story behind Wellington’s Handshake  Helen Wyatt
Warp & Weft – a selection of textile-ish NZ artists  Loop
Yuka Oyama: Helpers – Changing homes 🎞️  Loop
Knotting culture: the muka of Rowan Panther  Tryphena o Rongomai Cracknell
Tending relations: Lisa Reihana’s lei epic  Tessa Laird
I like reality. It doesn’t terrify me.  Kristin D'Agostino
Weaving a koha  Kohai Grace
Taurangi  Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Tears of Tāwhirimātea: carvings by Todd Couper  Karl Chitham
Knot Touch: From greenhouse to gallery  Jaqui Knowles
A visit to TÜR Studio  Jane Groufsky
Casting shadows: Areta Wilkinson and Mark Adams at the National  Harriet Litten
Taonga and Photography in the Post-Treaty Settlement Era: A Case Study of Photograms by Mark Adams and Areta Wilkinson  Damian Skinner
My grandmother’s hands: Nina Oberg Alaifea and Stephanie Oberg  Bojana Rimbovska
He tupare o ka kupu (a garland of words) 🎧  Andrew Last
Tuhirangi writes on the sky 🎧  Michelle Montgomery
Garland ✿ Auckland: 9 December 2017  Mari Gold
The lei, the garland and the daisy chain  Fran Allison