Other articles tagged Brazil
Master Edson ✿ Creatures of the river and guardians of the forest  Master Edson Monteiro & Maria Fernanda Paes de Barro
The people fished from the sacred Eware river  Kuenan Tikuna
The piaçava revival: Afro-indigenous crafts save a local tree species  Egnaldo Rocha da Silva
Tiago Ishiyama ✿ It’s all or nothing in the favela  Loop
A wall of dreams from southern Bahia  Maria Fernanda Paes de Barros
Fragrant memories from Minas Gerais  Lena Emediato
Estudio Trindade and Rondinelly Santos ✿ Brazilian for life  Maria Fernanda Paes de Barro
Erika Kobayashi ✿ A tea ceremony for Brazil  Liliana Morais
Brasilidade: Samba on a plate  Nina Coimbra
Welcome support for world knowledge-keepers: The Ministry of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil   Loop
Art protects us and our shared world: Two messages from Indigenous Brazil  Arassari Pataxó and Kulikyrda “Stive” Mehinaku
The spirit of Japanese mingei in Brazil  Loop
From Japan to Brazil: The ceramics of Shoko Suzuki  Liliana Morais
Moitará: An exchange between São Paulo and the village of Kaupüna  Maria Fernanda Paes de Barros
Cupinzeiros: Back in touch with childhood  Lidia Lisbôa
The garden of Gildásio  Heloisa Pireslima
A post-digital threat out of the labyrinth: Christus Nobrega review  Loop
A tactile collaboration from Brazil ✿ Ernesto Neto and Ibã Sales  Loop
From Brazil to Japan: In search of the unknown craftsperson  Silvia Sasaoka
Beyond the ethnographic turn: rethinking art and anthropology in Florianópolis, Brazil  Loop
The embroidered house  Renata Mellão
The road to Kilombu crosses many borders  Cecê Nobre