Other articles tagged China
Snake Talk: A yarn with story-makers across the globe  Tyson Yunkaporta
A cherished Chinese tooth tradition  Li Letitia Shen
Sea legends in Hong Kong’s waters from mermaids to pirates  Evelyn Wan and Alysa Ihy
Russell Jack ✿ Saving dragons  Dianne Dempsey
Joss House artifacts: Rediscovering Australia’s Chinese temples  Michael Williams
Chinese artists embrace artificial intelligence as a creative foil  Loop
Holding walnuts, like life, in the palm of their hands  Yunmeng Jia
Dragon Scale Binding: The revival of an ancient Chinese book format  Loop
Lacquerware needs two legs to walk: The wisdom of master Gan Erke  Loop
Strange tales from a Chinese studio: Geng Xue’s porcelain imaginary  Loop
A gaiwan for my father  Mia Riley
Jayanto Tan ✿ Delights for every palette  Pamela See
Crafting “natural” conceptions in and of China, of its nationhood and its people   Loop
The meaning of yellow  Helen Ting
The robot embroiderer  Anying Chen
Jaffa Lam ✿ Chasing an Elusive Nature  Caroline Ha Thuc
Earth Nidus: An unnatural nature  Fan Ji
Sveta Dorosheva ✿ Two worlds, one brush  Loop
Preliminary notes on relationships between Chinese Ge Ba textiles and the walls of Amateur Architecture Studio 中国格巴纺织品与业余建筑工作室墙壁的关系初探  Peta Carlin
Peach Garden ✿ Stories from China  Garden of Stories
Suoyi: RuCai Lyu’s rain cape and its ongoing tradition of protection  Loop
Garland is in the Little Red Book  Loop
Pamela Leung’s Red Line Story   Loop
The year of the paper tiger 🐅  Loop
An examined life: Fairweather and China  Loop
Craft – Radical or conservative? Lessons from French and Chinese history  Loop
Pulp Friction: A paper trail from China  Loop
Xiaoxi ✿ The craft prince of China  Loop
Mid-Autumn Festival: A time to make many blessings under the same moon  Loop
The gate is open: Guan Wei and Jayne Dyer in China  Pamela See (Xue Mei-Ling)
Wang Chaohui ✿ The story behind family history books and wooden movable type  Loop
Zhuizi: An ordinary dog’s tale  Helen Ting
Song brocade: The lost past and the promising future in Chinese crafts  Loop
Mian Wei ✿ From temple roof to table top  Loop
Augmented reality: From the art of intervention to the craft of public engagement   Pamela See
The craft heritage revival in downtown Hong Kong  Kenneth WONG and Jaffa LAM
Chinese landscape cut-out over time  Pamela See
The Earth and its elements: Wood, fire, earth metal and water  Georgia Wallace-Crabbe
Wu Wei: “Nothing doing” is the future of Chinese papercutting  Loop
TikTok: A new platform for promoting crafts in China  XueXia
Our Paiwan wedding: The importance of a dowry  Dremedreman Curimudjuq (Liao Min) and Daniel C. Moore
Ancient again in China: Chengdu heritage festival draws huge crowds  XueXia
A world in cork: How China refined the Xmas card  XueXia
Ma Luocheng ✿ The craft of “impeachment”  Loop
Liziqi ✿ China’s craft princess  Loop