Issue 20
Java ✿ Pembaharu

- Naga Kacip: A snake god at work Linda S. McIntosh
- Editorial: Pembaharu ✿
- Quarterly essay ✿ Batik journeys between the three worlds: Here, there and everywhere Elly Kent
- Batik journeys between the three worlds: Here, there and everywhere Elly Kent
- DiTenun: Artificial intelligence technology for Indonesian traditional Weaving Nancy Margried
- Designers Dispatch Service: Traditional artisans connect to the global market Eugenio Hendro
- Beauty from bacteria: Micro-farming batik Nidiya Kusmaya
- The fragrant tuberose: Collaborative eco-printing by batik artisans from Pasuruan Regency in East Java Janet Teowarang
- iWareBatik: Decoding the DNA of Indonesian batik Puspita Ayu Permatasari
- Academic and weaver join head and hand in Bandung Sabrina Sakina
- Butterflies metamorphose into jewellery Paryana Puspaputra
- Sanggar Batik Batara in Baujeng Village Janet Teowarang
- Brahma Tirta Sari: At home with nature and ancestors Agus and Nia Ismoyo
- Ulos through the viewfinder Dewi Sartika Bukit
- Zahir Widadi ✿ Fine batik for an intricate blue world Hanny Kusumawati
- Flag Project (2006-2020) Arahmaiani Feisal
- Savu island: Greater and Lesser Blossoms will prevail Geneviève Duggan and Icesarlince Tededara
- Fibres for a foodie Sabrina Sakina
- The case for wood Guy Keulemans
- A house of style in Surabaya Carla van Lunn
- Kandangan village: A rich harvest of innovation for pandemic response Alexandra Crosby
- Jumaadi’s garden of shadows Kevin Murray
- Batik exchange: Wahyu Subiyantoro Soediro Carla van Lunn
- From canting to extrusion: The proliferation of technology from the Indonesian archipelago Pamela See
- Tisna Sanjaya ✿ Art as community practice Julian Goddard
- A bridge to Indonesia, my second home Cassandra Lehman
- Mansae balhada ✿ Cheongju’s ancient technology now Eunjin Ko
- Finding Taketa: Serendipitous discovery and reflection in practice research Jo McCallum
- long water: fibre stories Freja Carmichael