Other articles tagged Indonesia
From coffee waste to Waztehaus: A sustainable initiative for women’s vegan leather shoes   Loop
The new Majapahit art: Craft or artefact?  Tod Jones
Making Memolo: Temple domes from Sitiwinangun, Cirebon  Akbar Adhi Satrio
Kultura Collectiva  Dias Prabu
Kampoeng Dolanan: The game must go on  Janet Teowarang
Tenun Yang Menubuh: Embodied weaving in Sadi village  Alfred W. Djami
Kampoeng launch in Surabaya  Loop
The Purun Project: Fashion offers hope for peatland communities  Myra Suraryo
Bamboo bridges: Firman Djamil’s Seni Lingkungan   Caitlin Hughes
Weaving Sumba’s history into the fabric of the world  Loop
The Bahari bag: Holding onto the craft wisdom of Itak Sein  Loop
Topeng Malangan: Batik behind the mask  Loop
Jayanto Tan ✿ Delights for every palette  Pamela See
Dias Prabu ✿ Re-imagining memories of past encounters  Loop
Raci’s mangrove apple: A batik message from the coast of Pasuruan to the fashion catwalk  Lauren Veronica Sidarsono
Treasures from Marege: Yolŋu-Makassan trade today  Diane Moon and Will Stubbs
Cherry blossom to wear  Loop
Monkey love: A Javanese romance  Loop
Made in Indonesia: The globalisation of Indonesia’s footwear industry and the legacy of shoemaking  Rahayu Budhi Handayani
A future for waste: Upcycling fashion for Gen Z in Indonesia  Janet Teowarang
The soul of Feng Huang: An art of contemporary batik pesisir pattern  Enrico Ho
Jember Batik: The dragon rises  Geraldus Sugeng
Indonesia’s generation Z takes up shibori  Janet Teowarang
Looking at the past, creating the future: The forgotten role of the museum  Michael Nathaniel Kurniawan
An appeal to help textile communities devastated by Cyclone Seroja  Loop
The Lontar basketry of Palu’e Island (eastern Indonesia)  Stefan and Magnus Danerek
Kasih Project ✿ Delivered with love, Indonesia style  Lachlan Blain
Jumaadi’s garden of shadows  Kevin Murray
Quarterly essay ✿ Batik journeys between the three worlds: Here, there and everywhere  Elly Kent
Editorial: Pembaharu  ✿
Kandangan village: A rich harvest of innovation for pandemic response  Alexandra Crosby
iWareBatik: Decoding the DNA of Indonesian batik  Puspita Ayu Permatasari
A bridge to Indonesia, my second home  Cassandra Lehman
Batik journeys between the three worlds: Here, there and everywhere  Elly Kent
Naga Kacip: A snake god at work  Linda S. McIntosh
Flag Project (2006-2020)  Arahmaiani Feisal
Brahma Tirta Sari: At home with nature and ancestors  Agus and Nia Ismoyo
Butterflies metamorphose into jewellery  Paryana Puspaputra
Beauty from bacteria: Micro-farming batik   Nidiya Kusmaya
From canting to extrusion: The proliferation of technology from the Indonesian archipelago   Pamela See
Batik exchange: Wahyu Subiyantoro Soediro  Carla van Lunn
Sanggar Batik Batara in Baujeng Village  Janet Teowarang
The fragrant tuberose: Collaborative eco-printing by batik artisans from Pasuruan Regency in East Java  Janet Teowarang
Ulos through the viewfinder  Dewi Sartika Bukit
DiTenun: Artificial intelligence technology for Indonesian traditional Weaving  Nancy Margried
Fibres for a foodie  Sabrina Sakina
Academic and weaver join head and hand in Bandung  Sabrina Sakina
Designers Dispatch Service: Traditional artisans connect to the global market  Eugenio Hendro
Zahir Widadi ✿ Fine batik for an intricate blue world  Hanny Kusumawati