The new Majapahit art: Craft or artefact?-Tod Jones argues for the importance of craft produced today in heritage sites, particularly in contemporary communities who live with ancient centres in Indonesia.
Kultura Collectiva-Dias Prabu writes about his Yogyakarta art collective that seeks to reconnect with the disappearing cultures of Indonesia.
Kampoeng Dolanan: The game must go on-Janet Teowarang recounts the history of a remarkable Indonesian organisation that seeks to preserve traditional games.
The Bahari bag: Holding onto the craft wisdom of Itak Sein-Atri Priyamanaya from HANDEP tells how they drew on the unique fibre weaving knowledge of a Dayak elder to revive the beautiful basketry techniques of Central Kalimantan, resulting in a stylish bag.
Topeng Malangan: Batik behind the mask-Astrid Kusumowidagdo writes about innovative and socially aware Topeng Malangan batik production, guided by Janet Teowarang.
Gamelan is character building-Embie Tan Aren rediscovers Indonesia's communal values in Pardiman Djoyonegoro's gamelan performances.
Dias Prabu ✿ Re-imagining memories of past encounters-Bianca Winataputri writes about Dias Prabu's exhibition of batiks, which tells the story of Makassan fishermen whose journey left a legacy of shared traditions.
Cherry blossom to wear-Bella Lucianto and Salma Haudia Atmaja describe how they incorporate the spirit of the Japanese cherry blossom into their fashion.
Mancapat: Heritage batik from today’s soil-A Singapore exhibition features the heritage textile Batik Tenun Gedog that has been produced according to circular principles using homegrown cotton.
Monkey love: A Javanese romance-Aishah David recounts the love story of Dewi Sekartaji and Panji Asmorobangun as told through the Kethek Ogleng Dance
Kasih Project ✿ Delivered with love, Indonesia style-Lachlan Blain finds a community initiative that takes the Indonesian spirit of dapur umum, temporary kitchen, to help international students currently stranded in Melbourne.
Jumaadi’s garden of shadows-Kevin Murray explores the studio of an Indonesian artist filled with shadows of history, culture, craft and dreams.
Editorial: Pembaharu-The penultimate issue of the journey heralds a new Indonesian generation keen to use their technological know-how to precious support cultural heritage.
Naga Kacip: A snake god at work-Linda S. McIntosh writes about the story told by the quintessential Southeast Asian implement, the kacip betel nut cutter.
Flag Project (2006-2020)-Arahmaiani Feisal finds an answer in flags that bring communities together across the world to support positive values.
Butterflies metamorphose into jewellery-Paryana Puspaputra works in partnership with a Butterfly Park to make precious jewels from the broken wings they leave behind.
Ulos through the viewfinder-Dewie Sartika Bukit describes a photography project that aims to inspire a new generation to admire the distinct ulos weaving tradition of Tono Batak.
Fibres for a foodie-Sabrina Sakina has found a way of using the waste produced in cooking the Indonesian food she loves.
Academic and weaver join head and hand in Bandung-Sabrina Sakina writes about the symbiotic arrangement between Bandung designer Arlene Dwiasti Soemardi and local craftsperson Pak Epi and his weaver Andre
Savu island: Greater and Lesser Blossoms will prevail-Geneviève Duggan and Icesarlince Tededara write about a matrilineal culture, where women wear their history. The challenges of COVID-19 contained the gift of time, thanks to the Tewuni rai Foundation.
A house of style in Surabaya-Carla van Lunn ventures into Surabaya to find a bricks and mortar establishment that reflects the city's refined style and taste.
Weaving your way through COVID – Bali style-Stephanie Brookes writes about Pejeng Kangin, a resilient weaving village in Bali outside Ubud, Indonesia, that offers a "pay forward" scheme to buy works that help them survive the lockdown
The Shadow Theatre of Anaphoria Island-Gary Warner introduces Kraig Grady's phantasmagoric shadow world of Anaphoria Island, a place no one comes from but anyone can enter.
Jumaadi ✿ You’re invited to a snakes’ wedding-The Sydney-based Indonesian artist Jumaadi uses the snake as a symbol of a dualistic universe. His intricate painting on buffalo hide imagines a cloud-like form created from two snakes entwining.