Issue 10
Western Australia & the Indian Ocean

- A silent conversation with Jimmy Poland Helena Bogucki
- Smile for the embroidery: Abdul Abdullah and DGTMB Abdul Abdullah
- Washed ashore: Art works from the Indian Ocean Gopika Nath
- Ngurra: Finding our way home Glenn Iseger-Pilkington
- Quarterly essay – Ngurra: Finding our way home Glenn Iseger-Pilkington
- The Nullians Sharyn Egan
- Purgatory on the Broome Peninsula: the art of Clare Peake Gemma Weston
- Fibre to metal: Mudlark Jilinbirri Metals from Carnarvon Antoinette Roe and Sarah Trant
- Conjured from the ocean, hand-made from steel Gary Warner
- From glass beads to smoke water: Investigating the vocabulary of loss and renewal in the landscapes of the Yilgarn Craton Gregory Pryor
- Sheoak voices Holly Story
- Full circle: Tjanpi, Polyglot and FORM’s Manguri Wiltja project Andrew Nicholls
- “Who’s Nalda?” The influence of Eileen Keys and Pantjiti Mary McLean 🎧 Kevin Murray
- Sustainable housing for artists and creatives: A new cooperative model in Fremantle Koral Ward
- Archipelagos of the decolonised mind: Two Indian Ocean exhibitions John Mateer
- Vahana: An Indian-Australian cross-cultural ceramic experience Bernard Kerr
- Accessing the heart of hand-stitch: Merging tradition and innovation on the Indian sub-continent Trish Bygott and Nathan Crotty
- Looking in looking out: Yogic practice and public art in Western Australia Maggie Baxter
- Perth Mosque: A cultural structure strengthening collective identity Qassim Saad
- Call Them Home Marziya Mohammedali
- Alistair Rowe’s Chandni Chowk: One Altered Move Andrew Varano
- It begins with a pomegranate: Sirjan kilims by Mahjabin Ilkhanipour Mahjabin Ilkhanipour
- Wakuwal: Threads of reconciliation Peter Botsman
- Ankara print histories alive in the streets of Johannesburg Belinda Cook
- Developing fabric designs at Ikuntji Artists Chrischona Schmidt
- Where did all the flowers go? Tamil festivals in Mauritius Veemanda Curpen
- Baluk Arts: Storied objects tied to Country Tallara Gray and Neil Aldum
- Batik and tenun as sustainable textiles in East Java Janet Teowarang
- The dark glow of the mirror in Santiago Carbonell’s mural, Mexico City Madeleine Kelly
- They remember those who do not speak: Madhvi Subrahmanian’s recent ceramic works Nancy Adajania
- Making Retronesia: Modern Dutch architecture in Indonesia Tariq Khalil
- Material culture in Arabia: Bedouin women and the art of sadu weaving Laila Al-Hamad
- Her Journey and our empty cups: Fiona Gavino in Escolta Dayang Yraola
- No touching – A curatorial reading of contemporary ceramics on Instagram Yasmin Masri
- Becoming visible: the Mojawharat jewellery project for migrants Vicky Tsaconas
- From the Top End down: An Adrienne Kneebone story Kevin Murray