Other articles tagged with nature
From My Dingo Soul to Your Hearts  Loop
Finding the One Tree: A day in the Whipstick forest  Loop
underFOOT: A collective for honouring the land on which they stand  Nien Schwarz
The Purun Project: Fashion offers hope for peatland communities  Myra Suraryo
making jewellery for the land  Melinda Young
Between the quarry and paradise: Grafting rubbish onto nature  Lauren Downton
Alpaca shawls: A love woven from life on land  Douglas Brodie & Louiseann King
Bonyi ✿ A seasonal gathering of weavers on Country  Freja Carmichael
Forest of Craft ✿ A map of nature’s treasures  Robin Agemi
What to make of invasive species: Cara Johnson’s jewellery practice on the land  Loop
Psychometry: Series of PaAo ancient casting bronze hand ornaments with AR  Loop
Tack Skogen: Beauty in the blemish  MADAM Snickeri
Of uncertain value: The fragile beauty of epiphytes  Kath Inglis
Kuulua vuohmaan: Belonging to a mire  Ida Isak Westerberg
Earth Nidus: An unnatural nature  Fan Ji
Habitat: Terracotta homes for hard-working bees  Julie Bartholomew
Avi Amesbury ✿ Our material home  Loop
The Bung Yarnda Observatorium  Josephine Jakobi
When the land becomes a jewel  Yu-Fang Chi
Biomater: Life hanging by a thread  Catalina Mena
Does the wanting monster whisper to you?  Loop
New Spring, Old Gods: Adornment for the people of the bear  Loop
Exile from the Forest: Craft collaboration in the time of COVID  Ishan Khosla
The forest on my flesh  Priyanka Jain
Shedding, dwelling, making: The artist collective We Must Get Together Some Time  Gregory Pryor
“We are a country whose lungs are on fire” ✿ Mourning the lost trees of Turkey  Loop
fluxed earth ✿ Garden forage vases  Loop
Mother Whale and the creation of Nerrm: A Bunwurrang women’s dreaming story   Aunty Gail Koonwarra Dawson
Humans as a custodial species  Tyson Yunkaporta
Entangled threads: Woven knowledge systems  Charlotte Haywood
Biophilia: The craft and love of life  Helen Ting
Heron story  Ilka White
Chinese landscape cut-out over time  Pamela See
Ode to Waratah: Designing mythology  Elliat Rich
Nature hooks  Jes John
The eel as a totem and symbol of resilience  Jules Christian
Ayvu Rapyta ✿ A selection  Mbya Guarani
Sophie Carnell ✿ Gnat orchid  Loop
Forging alliances with nature: Atlas Botánico de Chile en Joyería  Lucía Nieves Cortés
Butterflies metamorphose into jewellery  Paryana Puspaputra
Beauty from bacteria: Micro-farming batik   Nidiya Kusmaya
long water: fibre stories  Freja Carmichael
The case for wood  Guy Keulemans
Bridget Kennedy ✿ A fragile beauty between the ashes  Loop
Spider Woman’s Children: The next generation of Navajo weavers  Barbara Teller Ornelas and Lynda Teller Pete
Alice Whish ✿ Works from the Understory  Helen Wyatt