Issue 12

- Working with things: An exploration of materiality in the puppet theatre 🎓 Lynne Kent
- A public offering to the dead in Puebla 🇲🇽 Alonso Pérez Fragua
- Papel y pasión para recordar a los muertos Alonso Pérez Fragua
- Labrar memorias: La faja del señor de lázaro en Oaxaca María del Carmen Castillo Cisneros
- Joyería oaxaqueña: el legado de Monte Albán Alberto Rojas Calvo
- Daily demons and fabulous animals: In which the author finds her craftswoman but loses her cat 🎓 Tessa Laird
- Quarterly Essay ✿ Daily demons and fabulous animals Tessa Laird
- To carve memories: The belt of El Señor de Lázaro in Oaxaca 🇲🇽 María del Carmen Castillo Cisneros
- Oaxacan jewellery: The legacy of Monte Albán 🇲🇽 Alberto Rojas Calvo
- Ollas de barro y mezcal – Pots of clay and mezcal 🇲🇽 Rion Toal
- Ollas de barro y mezcal Rion Toal
- A glass bridge across the Pacific Diego Vides Borrell
- Celebrating the huipil – From past to present Ehren Seeland
- Slow made tradition in Oaxaca Ehren Seeland
- Dolores Porras and her creative atelier Johanna Ángel Reyes
- Remembering Oaxaca Mario Licón Cabrera
- An ink route from Oaxaca city to Phnom Penh 🇲🇽 Fernando Aceves Humana
- Una ruta de tinta desde la ciudad de Oaxaca a Phnom Penh Fernando Aceves Humana
- The tinsmith and I shared no language Claire McArdle
- Who is the author? Oaxacan wood carvers in global economies of ethnic art Alanna Cant
- Woven histories of Chiapas and Oaxaca Ansie van der Walt
- Después de Frida: Then comes the border complex Jesús Macarena-Ávila
- Mexico: A love I can never quite shake Damian Smith
- Weaving the feathered serpent Yunuen Perez
- Elizabeth Marruffo ✿ The pomegranate Siân Boucherd
- The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Grotto in Rosebank, Staten Island Joseph Sciorra
- Pakistani craft takes off at Islamabad airport Noorjehan Bilgrami
- Can Suzhou Embroidery be contemporary art? CHEN Anying
- The values of craft: Towards an economics of the common good Priyatej Kotipalli
- Thanks giving in Australia: Eva Heiky Olga Abbinga’s Rajah Quilt Kevin Murray
- Gamu-Keub Keub: The Indigenous Jewellery Project meets Gab Titui Emily McCulloch Childs
- Learning from a master: Making bilas with natural dyes in PNG Joycelin K. Leahy
- The linking object: A textile mourning ritual Mary Burgess
- The quest for the vintage “card basket” Meredith Peach
- Updates from Gifu Tomoko Kawakami & TACHIBANA Akira
- Made for Parade Valeria Florescano