Other articles tagged textiles
Ndomo: Beauty from mud in Mali  Rebecca Hoyes
Wissa-Sophy: Back to the woven garden  Passent Nossair
Make the World Again: Twenty Australian textile artists  Garland
Annette Fitton ✿ A mob of laced roos  Lachlan Blain
Paola Moreno ✿ Healing plus  Loop
Bakhiya: The beauty of the imperfect  Loop
Many stitches in time: the work of Annabelle Collett  Stephanie Radok
From Brunswick to Ahmedabad: The Hand/Eye Project  Alasdair Mackinnon and Eddy Carroll
Safed: The beauty of simplicity  Sayali Goyal
Responsible crafts tourism in Kutch  Ruth Clifford
The rules of the game: Weaving Durries in Rajasthan  Kaamya Sharma
The angels of Dhadhampatti  Julia Raath
A gift of song: The melody of making Kediyun  LOkesh Ghai
Never on Tuesdays: How the Padma Saliyar weave auspiciousness into wedding saris  Aarti Kawlra
Finding Mahtab and starting a new life  Loop
Spider Woman’s Children: The next generation of Navajo weavers  Barbara Teller Ornelas and Lynda Teller Pete
Presha’s Coverlet  Jeffrey Keith
The fabric of memory: Story cloth as art and history for Hmong in USA  Vincent Her and Mary Louise Buley-Meissner
Cracking the colour code: The Maiwa-Khatri partnership  Charllotte Kwon and Abdul Jabbar Khatri
Up in a wool bag: Moving material in the Navajo Nation  Emily Winter
Dear Grandma, Thank you for being a maker: A Cowichan story  Damara Jacobs-Morris
Catharine Ellis and the journey of True Colors  Keith Recker
A decade of yarn bombing  Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain
Democracy by hand in Chile  Loop
Paula do Prado ✿ El Grito  Loop
Shyrdak: A sunny day in Kyrgyzstan  Dinara Chochunbaeva
Aziz Murtazaev ✿ Why I returned from London  Kevin Murray
Layerscapes: Colonial history on a thread  Sera Waters
Weaving Pang Jai: In search of old Hong Kong  Eloise Rapp
When nomads come to town: Sustaining weaving traditions on the Ladakhi Changthang Plateau  Catherine Allie
The long and winding Silk Road: My quest to uncover treasures from Central Asia  Christina Sumner
In search of the elusive Baluchari in Bengal  Swadha Sonu
“If you want to know about us, examine our buildings”: A Journey through Uzbekistan   Mary Jose
Culture, craft and cuisine in West Bengal   Liz Wauchope
Saori weaving: Striving for irregularity  Kaz Madigan
A journey shared, India dared and why I take tours…  Julia Raath
Why the copy of a Turkmen wedding dress is better than the original  Hermann E. Rudolph
Postcards from Home: Tapestries of Sri Lanka  Cresside Collette
Maggie Baxter ✿ Peeling walls and tattered ledgers  Loop
Annika Ekdahl ✿ From still to slow life  Loop
The Kam blues: Indigo-dyed textiles of the Kam/Dong minority in China  Marie Anna Lee
Sera Waters ✿ Dazzleland  Loop
Julie Ryder ✿ Hidden Sex  Loop
Re-Threading the tapestry of an arid topography: A return to Kutch with Maggie Baxter  Gopika Nath