Issue 16
The Stans

- Craft tours on offer ✿
- Editorial – A story of skill ✿
- The long and winding Silk Road: My quest to uncover treasures from Central Asia Christina Sumner
- Quarterly Essay ✿ The long and winding Silk Road Christina Sumner
- Shyrdak: A sunny day in Kyrgyzstan Dinara Chochunbaeva
- Dekh Magar Pyaar Say: Meanderings into the sublime Sahr Bashir
- Sheraz Faisal ✿ Art becomes jewellery in Lahore Asad Hayee
- Five fingers full of skill: Four artisans from Tajikistan Ikromi Nigina
- Keste: Kazakhstan embroidery that celebrates nature Raushan Kargabekova
- Why the copy of a Turkmen wedding dress is better than the original Hermann E. Rudolph
- “Forty hunar are not enough”: Craft and community in Uzbekistan Kevin Murray
- From Samarkand to Kütahya: A Silk Road of shared skills Kevin Murray
- Alisher Nazirov ✿ Gifts of skill connect Uzbekistan and Japan Kevin Murray
- Aziz Murtazaev ✿ Why I returned from London Kevin Murray
- “If you want to know about us, examine our buildings”: A Journey through Uzbekistan Mary Jose
- The tree of life extends its branches from Iran to France Leila Fazeneh
- Uzbekistan and the promise of apple trees Layla Walter
- Good news from Afghanistan: Hadya starts her own business Roshan Safi
- Carlier Makigawa ✿ Delirious in Uzbekistan Helen Britton
- When nomads come to town: Sustaining weaving traditions on the Ladakhi Changthang Plateau Catherine Allie
- Shaping the divine in the lanes of Kumartuli Ananya Hazarika
- Culture, craft and cuisine in West Bengal Liz Wauchope
- A journey shared, India dared and why I take tours… Julia Raath
- Finding the spirit of clay in Rajasthan Serena Rosevear
- In search of the elusive Baluchari in Bengal Swadha Sonu
- Saori weaving: Striving for irregularity Kaz Madigan
- Lessons learned from a duck herder’s gamelan 🎵 Rosie Cook
- Weaving Pang Jai: In search of old Hong Kong Eloise Rapp
- Postcards from Home: Tapestries of Sri Lanka Cresside Collette
- A perfect red: The tale of a dye Eric Mindling
- Guildhouse, The Ghan and gumnut earrings Lauren Simeoni
- Carried Away: A bag of the month Grace Lai
- Layerscapes: Colonial history on a thread Sera Waters
- The Gallery of Small Things: An intimate horizon Anne Masters
- Museum of emotion: Artefacts of separation and memory 🎓 Lesley O’Gorman